Company Statement

We at BioEnzyme Technologies® produce and distribute BIOPLAST® branded 100% biodegradable and compostable household garbage bags products using our unique proprietary formula of Enzyme-Bacteria based substrate to achieve 100% biodegradation and composability as per European EN 13432:2000 / ISO 14855-1:2005 / ISO 14855-2:2007 Standards.


According to third-party testing by independent laboratories, our unique BIOPLAST® products are industry certified to meet biodegradation and composting standards. Certification boosts consumer confidence that products perform as advertised.


BioEnzyme Technologies are committed to following industry guidelines when making claims about the biodegradability and composability profile of our products.


  • All our BIOPLAST® products are legally certified to European Standards of EN 13432:2000 / ISO 14855-1:2005 / ISO 14855-2:2007 as 100% biodegradable and compostable using our unique proprietary formula of Enzyme and Bacteria based chain-end-biodegradation biotechnology.
  • CEN, the European Committee for Standardisation, is the standards setting authority for countries in the European Union. CEN have the sole authority on the creation and amendment of EN 13432: 2000 and in fact all European EN standards.
  • Most of the well-known and accredited organisations that operate valid labelling schemes are members of the Global Eco-Labelling Network (GEN), who you can find on the website “www.globalecolabelling.net”.
  • GEN operates on a voluntary basis and its principles are generally accepted. Neither Vincotte nor DINCERTCO are listed on this website. The schemes operated by these organisations, namely “OK Compost” and the “Seedling Logo” are used to certify plant-based bioplastics products only.
  • Furthermore, the schemes and tests published by the said bodies are different from what is described in ISO and/or EN technical standards and have been tailored and adapted solely for plant-based products called bioplastics.
  • “OK Compost” and “Seedling Logo” are labels and certainly not technical norms for plant-based bioplastics materials and are not mandatory to label products that are EN 13432 compliant. BioEnzyme Technology is not plant-based bioplastics and therefore does not require any of these labels or logos to conform to EN 13432 or any other European Norm.


  • Plant-based bioplastics materials are not recyclable together with plastic waste, unlike polyethylene-based materials containing the BioEnzyme® additive. BIOPLAST® products are certified recyclable in accordance with ASTM D 7209:06. Plant-based materials cannot be recycled without contaminating the plastic waste stream.


  • Our certifications are issued by the “Shriram Institute for Industrial Research” (www.shriraminstitute.org), an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory certified by NABL which is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) www.ilac.org. This accreditation is internationally recognised. ILAC and the MRA agreement fixes the principle “tested once accepted everywhere” www.ilac.org/members_contact_details.html


  • No further accreditation is required to conform to European EN 13432, or other unofficially adjusted standards as maybe claimed by some our competitors to mislead the customers and other interested parties in the market.

Bioplastics - Definition

According to European Bioplastics e.V., Germany Bioplastics are:


• Polymers based on renewable resources(Starch Plant-Based)




• Biodegradable polymers which meet all criteria of scientifically recognized norms for biodegradability and compostability of plastics and plastic products. In Europe this is EN 13432 / EN14995

In other words: not only renewable resources are Bioplastics!


Our Test Certifications as per EN 13432:2000  (Cross referred to ISO 14855) are available on request.

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